Originally posted by David Mitchell:
:Yep, I would bet that the Indians had such discussions. When their lives and livelihoods depended on their bows and arrows, you can be sure they wanted the most effective. I doubt that anyone around the camp fire said, "Two Dogs, that shaft material is just not traditional." "
Wanna bet?????
Having read a good bit on native american culture, I expect they actually had stronger traditions of what to use for arrow or bow materials than we do. Heck, some tribes would only cut bow wood a certain time of the year when the moon was in a certain phase. Of course it was almost a religious thing as opposed to a tradition.
Besides human nature almost always has a defensive attitude about being the one who is right on a given subject.
Personally, I read some and skip some of the "best _______" type topics. Sometimes they have some pretty good info.