Yesterday a buddy of mine and I got together in this balmy 20 degree weather and tried some wooden shafts he had tipped with some flint hunting heads. Chris Surtees had fixed us up with the shafts(Thanks again Buddy), and we had glued and sinew tied them on.Finished arrows, 29" long weighed 620 grains. We shot from 15-20 yds and I was impressed. If my release was good in the cold weather, got perfect arrow flight and sure was quiet! They sunk up in my target as good as my woodsmans on my carbons, stayed sharp even though each one was shot sevral times. I have traded for several sets of these hunting tips, matched up +-5 grains, wanting to try some out, gotta find a state to do it in, illegal here in KY. May end up trading some of them, as I am O/C, tend to go overboard on anything I do, but plan on keeping several sets. Do any of you guys know what all states allow flint tip hunting? All feedback appreciated.