Some of you folks are missing the entire meaning. It's not about change...think. It's about being comfortable with who you are, and happy with where you are. It isn't chastising anyone elses choices. For Heaven's sake.
I think a lot of people strive for that kind of comfort and it only comes with age and experience.
Personally I feel it is something to look forward to, which is why I never regret growing older.
At 28 I feel like I have a good handle on who I am, but it seems I find something new about myself every day.
For example, I just began shooting in May of 09. It took me 28 years to discover that I love to hunt. If you would have told me that I would be shooting a longbow and hunting back in January of last year - I would have laughed in your face.
Now I know that someday down the line I'll have my own "cellar" full of tools that can tell my story. It makes me smile.
Great post George! I think you are a very rich man!