I spend considerable time chasing them..
Early season when it's warm and I'm dressed light... I carry and shoot right at 57-61# for elk.
However, when it gets cold, below freezing... I start adding clothes. when this starts along with the fact that the muscles and hands are cold, I have often dropped down to a lighter set of limbs [53#] I find I shoot the lower weight better in the cold.
I do use some foc and keep my arrow weight right a 10 gpp. and I use 160 grizley and 130 no-mercy single edge SHARP broadheads.
I have never felt under-bowed with either set up.
When I was younger I also shot the 70# bows, but with a lifetime of hard work and shoulder surgeries on both sides, those weights are no-longer an option... I refuse to let old age and it's complications, keep me from doing the things I live for !!
Besides I can hunt elk within 10 minutes of my home. Waayyy better than getting old in front of the TV. [ My wife says I'm a "Teenager With Wrinkles"]