First off, thanks to the bros who clued me to Stu's Arrow Calculator. What a great app, I fiddled with it all last week.
It was on the money, too. I set up some 2213's I had laying around that with 125 grain points and a little diddling, came out to within .2 lbs spine of my primarly bow's calculated poundage. The result was the best arrow flight I've gotten to date, far superior to any arrows I set up before. Even better, I got more than acceptable flight with all my bows which fall within a few lbs draw of each other.
I have several dozen 2117s on hand and found I can get them within .5 lbs with 145 grain points, which will be a bit heavier arrow. I anticipate they will fly as well once the points arrive.
It's going to be a long Winter and there is much fiddling to be done before Spring. This leads me to my question in regard to carbons. The calculator needs additional data to
cipher out carbons, so does anyone have the deflection data for some carbons handy?
Specifically I'm looking for the data for 29.75" 4560 (.400) CX Terminator Hunter Selects...
BTW, the link to the download should be stickied somewhere here on Trad Gang...