When I wrote this post.I was only asking for help.Because I didn't have the money right now to send them back to cuddieback.I didn't think someone would call me THEIF.I have 6 other cuddie backs and have had 3 cuddie backs 2 other camras stolen through the years.And have found 6 other peoples camras and never took one of these.And yes my girl friend did get all 3 of these at a flea market.Yes if I'd been there I would'nt have bought them.Because I'd would have thought they were stolen and I knew there was a theif lock.I knew my girl friend didnt.She was thinking of me and just thought she was getting a deal.She didn't even know how much they sold for.I know no one out there but a few people know me and they know I hav'nt ever stole a thing.