Just a couple thoughts from someone new to blood tracking with dogs (and have been doing a bunch of research in the last few years leading up to our pup).
First, there is nothing magic about wirehair dachshunds. Depending on where you go in Europe the popularity of wire or smooth coat with hunters varies. My wife is French (eastern France, near Germany) and her thought is that the recent popularity of wirehairs is, in large part, driven by the pet market, not necessarily the hunters. The key to getting a good working dachshund (teckel) is the breeding, not the coat.
Keep in mind also that the Germans do not view teckels as a blood tracking specialist, but as a general purpose hunting dog (remember, Dachshund means "badger dog" in German) - they are used for a variety of hunting - small game (rabbit), blood tracking, and ground work (fox or badger) - although many in the US (myself included) are interested primarily in blood tracking. Teckels also make great housedogs, although I would say that Oskar is pretty high maintenance compared to our other dogs due to his intelligence and ability to manipulate situations to suit his wants.
I don't know anything about the bavarian bloodhounds, except I have heard that they are 1. very pricey 2. you need to be careful with the breeding of dogs in the US and 3. They are more of a specialist that teckels (don't know the truth of all this, just what I've heard).