Junglecat, my dog is four. She had her first trail last year, the trail was 18 hours old and she stayed on it for approx. 300 yds after which we lost all blood, we later realized that the deer was not fataly hit. This year she had three trails, two of which ended with dead deer, the one she did not recover was also seen alive later in the season. JC I wish that I could say that I am some sort of great dog trainer but that is just not the case, my dog Penny is just an extremely gamey little hound with an innate abaility to track game, she has had absolutely no training, however that will change this spring as I have a nice collection of hide and blood in my freezer. Her parents where just really sweet companion dogs, actually she doesnt even have a pedigree as her fathers papers burned in a barn fire, so in a sense she's my little mutt. I think with a little polishing up she will be an excellent bloodtrailing dog.