Currently the video is not in our possession since the Native people are viewing it. I can’t say if the shot will make our next production without seeing it, but most certainly the live animals and the nature of the hunt will be presented.
Mark got the black flint head from Don Gilson who made it from Kentucky stone. It is very symmetrical in shape and balance. Mark said his arrows spun like a top with no wobble and it flew great. Don is a great knapper!!! Buffalo hide varies in thickness, but hitting the animal's broadside is a must!
This picture shows the head and arrow after the shot. As you can see the head could be remounted and used again, but I think Mark will leave it intact as a reminder of the hunt.
As you know, there are only a few places left to hunt truly wild, non-captive buffalo, and they are out of reach for most of us. The various reservation hunts may not qualify due to perimeter fencing, but if one self-imposes additional restrictions such as the vastness of the prairie, equipment, time of year, selective age, sex of the animal, and hunting technique, the romance and spirit of the hunt can bring satisfaction to the hunter and respect for the prey. Mike