Pulled one of my cameras today and was not suprised to see 720 photos in 4 weeks. However, I did not see the quality of the whitetails like I was expecting due to (imho) disease, drought, hunting pressure. Of the total pictures, 506 contained clear photos of whitetails.
Several 1.5 and 2.5 yo bucks and just a few does made up the majority of the photographs. We only found 2 possible shooter bucks in the whole lot.
This 3yo 9pt:
and this 8pt with a kicker:
Earlier this bow season, I got a call from my taxidermist saying that a large buck from our farm had been killed on the road. He asked if i had any photos of a 8pt drop tine. When i showed him the pictures, he confirmed that it was the buck and my heart broke. I have been watching this buck all year and had my heart set on him. A terrible way to go being hit by a truck. In this photo he is only 50 yds from my blind:
Also on my camera today I found a small buck, who had damaged his antlers while in velvet. It produced some unique characteristics:
And, the best photos of all for this year was this, that same funky antlered buck fighting a 3pt...I captured a whole series of photos covering the fight, the moment of pause, and resuming the fight: