It's funny that we are using the term "non-custom" for a bow. I guess we have gone that 180 degrees from when 99% of bows were factory, or "non-custom", to a time when it has reversed.
I wasn't paying attention to the transition, but it must have happened, perhaps while I was out stump shooting. 8^).
Those old bows are wonderful to shoot, and will indeed surprise those who have not shot them for awhile.....or ever. Most will shoot with any bow made today, and some will shoot better. It's good to have choices like we do nowadays, and particularly wonderful that those old beauties have lasted the test of time and still offer us the enjoyment of shooting them.
I'll take an old one anytime, and as a matter of fact I have a few of them; some hiding their secrets under sratched black fiberglass limbs, and only reveal their true makeup when the string is pulled and the arrow loosed. And, like me, you don't always know what you are gonna' get when you wake em' up 8^).
The Super Diablo is a very classy bow, and at one time was considered top of the line. Still is in my opinion, as are some other gems of yesteryear.