I got a nice Christmas present from Gene this year. A $100 trillion bill from Zimbabwe. Yes, that's right, a 1 followed by 14 zeroes. Of course it's not worth anything since Zimb's money has now been devalued ($10 billion bills are being used as change for the bus), but it's the thought that counts. I'm still guessing it would, in Gene's words, get me a "low-mileage" date in Zimbabwe.
Interesting in that that I brought home a bunch of near-worthless money from Zimb in '94/99 but I'm guessing a Zimbabwe penny is actually worth more than an American penny since the former feels heavier and may be actually made of copper. But I digress. Gene FREQUENTLY says or does things that just make me shake my head and realize he's one of those guys you can NEVER take for granted.
Craig, I haven't got my book from Barry yet so I'm jealous.