Originally posted by Ron LaClair:
Loneviking said,
Have you ever considered switching to a LH bow? Shooting a RH bow left handed makes it hard it keep the arrow on the shelf unless you might be rotating your wrist so that the back of your hand is against your face.. :confused: ..at any rate it's not the best method for good shooting. [/b][/QUOTE]
Nope, I'm not rotating my wrist and yes, I've tried switching to LH. Doesn't work, can't keep the arrow on the shelf no matter what I try.
I was probably 11 when my dad drug home a green fiberglass 45 lb. stick bow. He didn't know how to shoot it, but he knew I'd been wanting one. Now, this is in the 70's, with no internet and nobody around to show me how to use a bow. So, I fooled around with it for a few weeks and figured out a way to shoot that worked well for me.
And I am accurate with the way I shoot. I'm left handed, left eye dominant and it never made sense to put the arrow on the right side of the bow. On the left side of the bow the hand/eye/shelf are all on the same side.
It's fun to walk into a sporting goods store and ask to shoot a bow. The look on their face when I shoot a righty left handed, and right on into the target is like: :eek:
Thanks for posting the pics on the quiver Ron. That one looks like it could just work! I'm guessing it's one of the ones over on your site?