My bet is he suffers from the same superstitions as everybody else, with tons of guys with more and different experience in their ranks as well.
To put it another way, and elk don't know how many legs a horse have. So, if we make a 4 strand string with essentially the same elasticity as another of different material but say 14 strands. And the first 4 strand string has a mass of say 70 grains, the 2nd 14 strand 200 grains but we compensate by using heavier arrows with the first, light, 4 strand string, and we fashion the loops to be the same diameter and shape (perhaps tricky with an endless but certainly possible), does the bow know or care what the string material is?
Not to sound grumpy here, it's not my purpose, but a false argument knows no personalities regardless of how renowned the speaker or subject. No point in guessing, show me the math, show me the experiment, show me the broken bows (not antecdotes, but properly tested using a control group). We didn't get to the moon, etc. by guessing how much thrust a rocket engine will make.