Thanks NDT--I hope I can find the time to do that.
Pete, this may sound too simple but this is how it works.
1. Chek-Mate doesn't spend any money on advertising, brochures, etc. They stay well behind on orders all the time, so there is no need or reason to add to the cost by advertising. I only have my site, and I pay for it.
2. The bowyer has the operation pretty well streamlined. He's built well over 10,000 bows in the last 20+ years, and knows his stuff. He has the equipment he needs to keep something going all the time--he's never standing around waiting on glue to dry. He can put out 10+ bows a week without sacrificing quality.
3. He and his wife are running the operation as well as doing the work. No other employees to cover.
4. The most obvious reason--he's not getting rich. He's lucky to live in some of the best hunting and fishing territory in the world, and he enjoys what he has. He's never been on trips to Africa, Australia, etc. and probably never will. His goal is to make an honest living and support his wife and two kids--he's satisfied with that.
That's the long and the short of it.