heavy arrows are good for you, bad for game.
heavy front ends make for better flying arrows, and as the testing shows that appears to be better for penetration.
i spent a lotta time testing out arrow specs with my main bow, from 10 to 12 gpp and 25% to 30% efoc. there is no substitute for you doing your own testing. great to listen to opinions of others, but they don't have your gear and they ain't you.
the goal was to find the right combination of weight and efoc that allowed for great flight and penetration, AND arrow trajectory at up to 25 yards that worked well with my 'gray matter bow sight'.
do some testing, see what combinations and compromises work best for you. when you've got a winner, make up a few dozen arrows and only shoot them, nothing else.
i have arrows that weigh, balance and fly exactly the same whether tipped with field points, judos or woodsman broadheads. those are all i bother shooting, so no matter what kinda shooting i do it's all practice for hunting. hunting is where it's at!