Well I gotta be totally honest here! Carp are NON NATIVE SPECIES. In simpler terms they was brought here and introduced and just like similar species they can and will overtake the native species in a short time. If with a open mind you investigate what happens to native species when they are introduced you will look at them more like a cancer! I don't take killing ANYTHING lightly but I will readily kill gypsy moths, flies, mosquitos, rats, mice, starlings, termites, slugs, aphidis, potato bugs, etc when deemed necessary. You get my point. With that said also they are bottom feeders. That means they suck thru the silt of the bottom of ponds and rivers where most all the contaniments are. Most are full of mercury etc. I use to bring them home and bury in my garden till I realized the local DNR recommended no more than one carp a year for consumtion. Lets just say I quit burying them in my garden or quit giving to local pig farmers.
So now your left with the decision, let them run rampant and destory all native fish and live forever or try to do my best to control them and have a blast doing it! Well theres my answer! I practice catch and release. Slice the air sac and let them go back. I've never went back the next day or actually a few hours later and I found a single fish. Usually within one pass a snapper has them or a raccon.Actually I feel sorry for both of them knowing the results of consumption.
I will add there was a local stream that was TOTALLY taken over by carp in our county. My trad brothers with a new found passion of bowfishing cleaned up that stream. They said it couldn't be done but lets just say after four years there was no more shootable carp in that stream. The locals never knew why but the game speices, smallmouth, large mouth, drum, muskie etc flourished. They loved it. Life was good! Then this year for reasons still not clear the water became polluted again, green alagae, and KILLED EVERY living thing in it..... EXCEPT some fry carp. Local folks were furious and rightfully so. They said all we had left was carp! Some was even quoted in the local paper saying this stream use to be nothing but carp but for the last several years was full of game fish! Go figure! They eventually traced this years fish kill back to mine runoff, gas well brine dumping all within legal limits. The bottom line they never cared about the river till some local trad bowfishermen cleaned it up and they never even realized it! True story!