Was looking for the harvest post and could not find it. If mods see fit to move it, no problem.
The one game animal that drive me the most crazy is the wild turkey. They have been out looking for food in the field behind my house since Christmas day. That means I have been searching in snowdrifts for my arrows that missed turkeys since Christmas day. In the winter they never stop running. It is like trying to hit a bowling ball going down the lane. I have putt more woodsman tipped arrows through turkeys tails then I care to admit. Finaly the day beore archery season was to close, I saw a mean old bearded hen on the hill. She was with 2 other small hens. I knew they normally travel in a larger flock so I thought maybe they had gotten busted up. I grabbed my Maddog recurve and my call and ran to my ambush spot. I called to the hen hoping she would think I was one of her lost mates. That hen came at me in a full out run. I almost did not have the time to grab my bow. Finaly I had redemtion! 15 yard shot with a Maddog Midsize recurve. 40# at my tiny 23" draw. Woodsman tipped 1716 easton arrow with 21.7% FOC ripped straight through her. She had an 8" beard. We ate her the next day and she was awesome! Season has come to an end here in Iowa. I had a great year. Filled 2 doe tags and a bird. Another month for the tree rats then on to bunnies. But now, it is time for me to grab the metal detector and start hunting for lost arrows ;^)