I recently purchased an excercize piece called the BodyBlade. I became familiar with this back about 12 years ago when I injured my right shoulder. I thought I would pick one up to help be in condition for the upcoming brothers elk hunt this fall.
Like all equipment you have to use it to get results, but I just thought I would post this as I know there has been talk about past injuries.
The nice thing about this is that it weighs next to nothing so it won't hurt you like lifting weights can, yet will kick your &%# if you use it right. When you 1st try it the first like 5 seconds you smile and think, yeah right this is easy and it is NOT going to help me. Then at like 10 to 15 its "oh maybe a little. Keep it up for more than a minute and you will be screaming for mommy!
Move your arms in different positions to do different muscles. Hold it out like a bow in your bow arm and you can tell it is going to help. I know from a past injury it does. Just passing on some info and testimony to those who may need it. I bought the 4' for conditioning, the larger is suggested for actual body building. At 50 I am not worried about looking like Arnold and gathering the ladies. And I will want to use this when I am older than now!