If I am not mistaken, which I am not
you want a bow with a hard and heavy, thus stable riser and
light, flexible and compression tolorant limbs!
Risers :
There are many good riser woods out there, from most ebony types, lygnum vitae,
blackwood, snakewood, cocobolo, bacote, rosewood, bloodwood etc..
The important thing is to get a very dense wood, which one, is up to what you like to look at.
Here is a site I got from Whip, which contains info on each woodtypes density.
http://www.bellforestproducts.com/exotic-wood/ Limbs :
In my opinion, the shooting qualities varies alot from wood to wood,
and the limbs are arguably the most important part of your bow.
Well established limbmaterials (excluding horn, carbon & foam) are :
Bamboo, yew and osage are said to be top notch in every aspect of shooting.
Close, if not equal, are maple, myrtle, hickory, juniper and elm.
There are many other riser and limbwoods that will do the job,
but those I listed have an established reputation already!
For thuroughness' sake, here is a ling with some info and a motherload of pictures off
different woodtypes and variations! Combine as you see fit, but remember, the bowyers know best
http://www.hobbithouseinc.com/personal/woodpics/ -SveinD, Norway-