Personally, I would select an arrow that flies the best, and groups the best all things being equal (which they are not). Because your arrow speed is 135 fps vs 150 fps, I agree with Mike and probably would go with the later. The majority say weight, but you need to be able to hit what your aiming at regardless of the distance. If 20 yds is your effective range, shoot them then decide.
You did not mention the bow weight, which is important in the discussion, particularly if your shooting a relatively light weight (40-45, 45-50 lbs) with that weight arrow. What arrow material, wood, alu, graphite. What is the FOC? If your shooting a relatively light bow with a heavy arrow, you might consider a lighter arrow with with a higher FOC. Again, reference was made to Dr. Ashby's report. He recommends an FOC as high as possible, 19-30%, and it is easy to confuse a heavy arrow with being the same, when it is not. You may find a lighter arrow with a high FOC that shoots outstanding and penetrates better with a two blade with a 3:1 ratio, eg. Grizzly.