Man I've also killed a bunch of stuff with the originals since they came out and can only remember one that thr tip curled on a critter. But that was before I started to modify it a bit.
I do really like the non-vented heads that VPA is making now....I killed a coyote with a 1 1/4" 250 gr. non-vented screw on last fall. Also 4 hogs now with the 160 glue-on, non-vented mounted on 125gr steel adapters....
On this hog I shot a little high out of a tree stand and completely embedded the head in spinal vertebrae......
I needed the bh(didn't bring enough) so I carefully worked it out of the bone with some careful sawing...and it was unscathed!
Screwed it into another arrow and killed this hog with it the next day. Quartering away, hit the inside of the off shoulder....
Again it came out fine and is ready to kill more hogs next month. Like I said, I'm really impressed with the VPA's. But I still wouldn't hesitate a second to use an original WW on about anything that walks. They'll be in my quiver as well!