Why shoot an alligator?
Because they are like most other species. If you give them a value and create demand they are protected. Alligators have increased their population in Florida to a degree that they need to be controlled. Several attacks on people occur each year and many pets are lost to them. It is a terrific management tool.
I don't like to kill things that I don't eat and alligators are excellent eating. Following is a decription of the meat. From
www.WiseGeek.com - "Alligator meat is considered to be healthier than domestic chicken, especially when it comes to cholesterol and fat content. The most common alligator meat product sold in stores is the tail section. Alligator tail meat is very similar to veal in texture, but is said to taste like chicken, rabbit, fish or frog's legs. Some also compare the tail meat to the white portions of pork. There is also a tenderloin portion of alligator meat, located in a tubular section of the tail.
While the tail portion may be considered the best section of alligator meat, there is also some consumer demand for the darker, slightly tougher midsection meat. The taste of the midsection alligator meat is said to be closer to a pork shoulder, with sinewy grains and a stronger natural flavor than the tail section. Some alligator meat enthusiasts also enjoy the meat found in an alligator's feet, often called the alligator's wings. The flavor and texture reportedly resembles frog's legs.
From a health standpoint, alligator meat may be considered a better alternative to marbled steaks or fatty pork products. According to one alligator meat producer in Florida, the nutritional value of alligator breaks down like this:
Nutritional values for approximately 4 ounces (114 grams) of raw, edible portions:
Calories 110
Calories From Fat 20
Total Fat 2 g
Saturated Fat .5 g
Cholesterol 55 mg
Sodium 55 mg
Total Carbohydrates 0 g
Protein 24 g
The number of calories from fat and the low amount of saturated fat, along with the high protein and low carbohydrate ratio, suggests that alligator meat is a healthy meat product. The alligators used for commercial meat products are raised on farms, which means their diets are strictly controlled and their habitats are properly maintained. Even wild alligators, whose meat is occasionally sold, maintain a varied diet of shellfish and other seafood. Some experienced cooks suggest marinating alligator meat for better results, but it can be served as steaks, stewing cubes, hamburger patties and even sausages." My favorite is to simply make small cubes, roll them in bread crumbs, corn meal, and some spices and then deep fry in corn oil. I call them "gator bites". Another favorite is alligator stir fry. It tastes most like pork to me.
The hide can also be used to make a lot of neat leather products. As for a trophy there are lots of things you can do with them. I'm having one made into a "rug" like the one shown below. An European skull looks cool as does just the head.
This is a photo of me skinning my sons 10' gator. This one will be a rug and this way of skinning is correct. For leather products you skin it entirely different.