keep in mind that there is usually a shooting style difference between a ilf wooden riser and ilf metal riser. the ilf wooden risers are getting closer to metal ilf geometry.
for example Morrison's first riser (not sure about current risers) shot exactly like my wooden "instinctive" riser. same cant, same feel, same sight picture, so the fact that you were shooting ilf fixture was not really evident when shooting.
as the wooden riser become stiffer and cut more past center, you will have to understand more about riser geometry when you are ordering a riser. that is are you an instinctive shooter that want to cant your bow and shoot with split vison or poke and hope, or your a real "rod jenkins gapper and thus a serious aimer, or you a dead serious aimer as in string walker or sight shooter.
alas one riser does not exactly fit all styles as well as another one does. as the choices get more defined, you will have to be more involved with your bowyer, discussing your shooting style and the geometry you need.
the reason as of a few months ago wooden riser could not be cut as far past center as metal riser was they were not strong (or stiff) enough. stiffing as in carbon or glass has to be added to a wooden riser so it will not torque from the draw stress. the side window part of the riser may have to be thickened (micarta added, etc) to get a wooden riser to shoot the same style as a metal ilf riser.