I usually use a triangular box from the post office. That being said, they are not indestructible.
Now how in the world did THAT happen? :mad:
Fortunately, the two arrows inside were not broken. They are treasures sent to me by Charlie Lamb.
The very best packaging I have seen came from Dano. It was a heavy tube that fits inside another heavy tube (the inside tube is brown, the outside tube is white) and two foam disks inside that. Each disk has a hole in the center to hold the arrow, keeping it away from the wall of the tube. There is a metal cap at each end of the white tube. One end of the white tube has been circumferentially cut, making a lid that you pull off. The fit is tight enough that when you pull the end off, there is a light vacuum created!
Very safe and rugged packaging. I am not that safe and rugged. First thing I did was cut myself on the wicked edge of his single-bevel trade point! :rolleyes:
I am sending a carbon, so I don't expect that to get broken. If you send arrows in the mail, be sure to safeguard the heads, so that in the event of a package failure, nobody will get hurt. Parcels in the post office are frequently thrown ten or more feet, landing in big hampers. Sometimes your arrow may go in first, followed by a box of grapefruit going to my Aunt Thelma from Mr. Mergatroydd in Florida, so pack with that in mind. That being said, the USPS has a good reputation for getting stuff where it should go without a lot of trauma. I work for them, but that isn't why they are my shipper of choice.