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Author Topic: disappointing day in the woods....ripped off!  (Read 3672 times)

Offline billy shipp

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Re: disappointing day in the woods....ripped off!
« Reply #20 on: January 22, 2010, 04:36:00 PM »
Sorry about your stand Mike, but nothing surprises me anymore. The world has more scumbags today than ever before, then throw in the bad economy and that only compounds the problem.

I live in a small rural town and the thieves have never been as bad as now. The lowlifes are stealing anything and everything they can haul off.

Offline inn8hunter

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Re: disappointing day in the woods....ripped off!
« Reply #21 on: January 22, 2010, 04:47:00 PM »
Originally posted by ronp:
Hey Inn8hunter,
It's pretty hard to imagine that someone would steal a 15" ladder stand.  I buy them on clearance for $40.00.  Hardly worth getting caught and arrested (or much worse if I caught them!) for forty bucks.

LOL, yes it is hard to beleive. The only thing that made it "tolerable" was the fact that these were end-of-the-year Menard's for $49.

That is what makes "stealing" stands so frustrating. Plus, all of know how long it takes to find that right tree and clear it. And then, like you said, for $50 they could have bought one.

I think some times it is out of spite for someone that thinks they owned the land just because they hunting it 10 years ago.


Offline Jerry Wald

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Re: disappointing day in the woods....ripped off!
« Reply #22 on: January 22, 2010, 04:55:00 PM »
Sorry  bud - that's what those trail cams would be good for...then some justice could be served up.....

Jer Bear

Online Mike Bolin

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Re: disappointing day in the woods....ripped off!
« Reply #23 on: January 22, 2010, 04:58:00 PM »
Sad thing is, that if I was working, I would have paid somebody $25 to help me get 'em out of the woods! LOL!!
The real kicker here is that for 15 years, absolutely no one has touched a thing on this property. I have left pop-up blinds up for the entire turkey season wothout a worry at all. I had even dropped my stands off in a big pile, covered with a tarp so that I could run over there after work and hang a couple, and they were fine.
I would have loved to have walked in on the low lifes and had 'em explain what they were doin'!
 Thanks guys! Mike
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Offline Aeronut

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Re: disappointing day in the woods....ripped off!
« Reply #24 on: January 22, 2010, 05:00:00 PM »
That's one of the reasons I ground hunt now.


Offline Shad

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Re: disappointing day in the woods....ripped off!
« Reply #25 on: January 22, 2010, 05:02:00 PM »
That really blows Mike.
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Offline bawana bowman

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Re: disappointing day in the woods....ripped off!
« Reply #26 on: January 22, 2010, 05:08:00 PM »
Hate it when this sort of thing happens.

Haven't had a stand stolen in about 15 years. But..... My nephew had a real shocker this year. While he was doing an all day hunt some lowlife cut his catalytic converter off his truck! Hear they get $30 for them at the scrap yard.!

Offline Kenneth

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Re: disappointing day in the woods....ripped off!
« Reply #27 on: January 22, 2010, 05:17:00 PM »
Mike,  I really hate to hear that brother!!!  It seems like that is an epidemic in Indiana lately.  I was using a friends trail cam early in the year and I got more photos of teenage boys than I did deer.  My buddy caught them one day as they were loosening the strap on the camera from around the tree. I've also heard a lot of guys at the archery shop complaining about stolen stands.  I've been meaning to get mine down because I'm worried about someone taking off with it, but I need to wait until my wife or someone can go with me.
Chasing my kids and my degree for now but come next fall the critters better look out.  ;)

Offline Jerry Wald

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Re: disappointing day in the woods....ripped off!
« Reply #28 on: January 22, 2010, 05:27:00 PM »
Their probably out of work too adn are selling them

Sad world when this starts happening

jer bEar

Offline Earthdog

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Re: disappointing day in the woods....ripped off!
« Reply #29 on: January 22, 2010, 05:32:00 PM »
I've only ever had one item stolen.
After the rage settles I just like to think their already living ****ty lives,while I'm living a good one.
Their pay back is in their own crap existance,an they add to it with their every dirty deed.
Mike I'm sorry to hear of your loss,there's really not much you can do about it,but try be happy in the fact your a far better person than they could ever imagine,,,their time will not come,it here already because their already living it and they already know themselves what dirt they are.
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Offline Ranger Rick

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Re: disappointing day in the woods....ripped off!
« Reply #30 on: January 22, 2010, 05:45:00 PM »
I was in terra haute on vacation last year and i thought it looked like a great area to hunt.Having your stands stolen sure can take the fun out of it fast. I wish you goodluck on the job. I also was laid off this year and i understand your need to get out and clear the head. Its to bad someone made  your chance to relax a little into another stressor. Hang in there.

Offline pokeanhope

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Re: disappointing day in the woods....ripped off!
« Reply #31 on: January 22, 2010, 05:48:00 PM »
Man people are such jerks! I think im going to set a bear trap below my stand on my uncle's land next year. I can legal set them, for traping coon's , and mabey he will think twice next time he steals one!!!!
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Offline doowop

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Re: disappointing day in the woods....ripped off!
« Reply #32 on: January 22, 2010, 06:02:00 PM »
I lost a Screaming Eagle stand on private property once. I had taken the steps out of the tree my last hunt and had a Yale lock on the stand. They had to work to get it but get it they did.

Offline J.Williams

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Re: disappointing day in the woods....ripped off!
« Reply #33 on: January 22, 2010, 06:11:00 PM »
I've had 3 hangons stolen over the years,2 off the family property,and it's a lousy feeling...plenty of lowlifes out there.I still have 2 hangons but it's one of the reasons I got a climber that I can take with me each time.
Can't count all the stands I've come across but never for a second did I think of taking them...just can't understand how someone could unless maybe it was on their property.Thieves like this are a much lower life form than those of us here.   "[dntthnk]"


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Re: disappointing day in the woods....ripped off!
« Reply #34 on: January 22, 2010, 06:24:00 PM »
Join the club.I lost two stands years ago and now i'm forced to take them down after each Hunt.Maybe a climber is the answer or Razor blades under the rim of the stand.You might be surprised who you find with stitches in their hands and fingers,could be someone you know!

Offline customcrester

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Re: disappointing day in the woods....ripped off!
« Reply #35 on: January 22, 2010, 07:42:00 PM »
I feel for ya Mike.That realy sucks,but karma will take care of the dirty theifs and they will pay for steeling from you.
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Offline Rooselk

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Re: disappointing day in the woods....ripped off!
« Reply #36 on: January 22, 2010, 07:45:00 PM »
Sorry to hear about your personal situation as well as the theft of your stands. It makes my blood boil when I hear of honest people getting ripped off for the things the worked hard to acquire. There are certainly things lower on the tiers of the dirtbag ladder than a thief, but not many.
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Offline weezy

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Re: disappointing day in the woods....ripped off!
« Reply #37 on: January 22, 2010, 08:34:00 PM »
Yep; I know the feeling well. Years back , first day of vacation ,around 1985, snuck in to tree where my  stand was hung   and it was gone.Felt like an idiot wondering around checking other trees looking for it when I knew where I hung it.Bad enough the stand was stolen but totally ruined my vacation. This happened twice that same year. I went to all neighbors also and no one would say anything but I have to believe someone knew something.Sad part is the thief probably does not  even hunt. I'm not a violent person; but if I ever catch someone in the act of stealing my stands I'm afraid I would seriously consider kicking their a_s and then call the game warden. But sadly in the world we live in I'd probably be the one going to jail for kicking his a_s.These 2 incidents were over 20 years ago and
I still get pis_ed when I think about it.
I Have had 2 more stands and a camera stolen in the last 5 years.Gosh Mike; I really wish you wouldn't have brought this up now I'm not happy either. L.O.L. Hang in there Mike and I hope you never lose another stand. It's so sad that there are so many people in the world with no respect for other people and their property.  I've got to go now, I think I'll go kick the cat. L.O.L.
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Offline stickbowguy

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Re: disappointing day in the woods....ripped off!
« Reply #38 on: January 22, 2010, 08:42:00 PM »
I myself have had two stands taken, one alittle over $200 into the set up, then I thought I would just put out a cheaper model. Well someone had gone out and taken my Bro-inlaws stand(real big and heavy home job) and on their way out seen mine and dropped his and took mine instead. This last season I hunted from the ground. I would never think to take someone's stand, and when I see one I head to another spot. But the laws here in Michigan say if its up after the  close of season its fair game.

Offline longbow fanatic 1

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Re: disappointing day in the woods....ripped off!
« Reply #39 on: January 22, 2010, 08:45:00 PM »
I have had the same thing happen. Thiefs, trespassers and poachers are the worst in my book. Hang in there and good luck on finding work.

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