The "Super Bowl Bunny Hunt" is on!
Sunday Feb. 7th
Monroe, WI
oldtwohairs house(Kevin Winkler)
N2745 Ullom Road
cell - 608-558-9641
home - 608-325-9326 For over 20 years a group from our local archery club has a bunny hunt on Super Bowl Sunday. Any bowhunters in the area that are interested in attending are welcome!
We have a few new spots that look promising and a few regular spots that we will hunt. If the group is fairly large we will split up into a couple of groups.
Bring small game points and lots of arrows.
You can use the map link to get you to my house. We hope to head out hunting at 9:00 or so. I will have the coffee on early and some donuts and such.
I am going to have my wife make a big batch of chili with some Elk burger so we can have a lunch.
After the day of hunting we always get together later at my neighbor/friend Steve Gobeli's house with a dish to pass and we play some cards, watch a little football and shoot the "Bull".
Steve is our area P&Y official scorer and has a very impressive artifacts collection. Along with some nice archery trophies on the walls.
Anyone that would like to stick around for the potluck and party is welcome. Bring some clothes and you can shower and clean up at my house.
I need to get a handle on how many are attending so "sign in"