I got new AMG feathers with much better bases. I read on one of the feather packages I have to clean carbons with a comet type cleaner then alcohol. I did all that and took out some of the helical. I would say it is a mild helical now. Definite not what I am used to having. They look great when fletched, but a couple hours later they are curled. I have pressed them down all kinds of ways pushing hard on them in the clamp, right after the clamp comes off my running my nail down the feather base, and pressing hard down the feather pressing it down. They look stuck good, but then they curl. The tape is still on and kind of under the feather, but it is like it moves about half or a little more than the width of the base of the feather. The tape is like gum stretching. I can push it back to where it should be, but it just goes back. The back also kind of turns up so instead of laying flat down on the shaft it is tipped up on the edge in the direction of the curl.
Could I just have a bad role of tape? I have gone through half a role and almost a pack of 50 feathers with out even one really good looking arrow. I am thinking about getting another roll this week at The Kzoo expo, but I don't want to waist my money.