Richie, Ashby's report is not a cure-all for bad shot placement. Chances are very good that the shot made would have been no different with a heavier arrow, even if it was flying well...."because"....we don't know the whole story.
Guys do weird things in the presence of game. Heck some don't even get much past half draw at times. I've seen some sights over my bowhunting career, and if you keep your eyes open, you will as well. It's not always about the biggest, heaviest, etc. And yes....I read the Ashby report and have great respect for Dr. Ashby. I also have five decades of first hand experience that I can fall back on.
I would be willing to bet that most guys going afield nowadays, do not have perfect arrow flight, and that is the "main cause" of penetration issues. Not fronts-of-center...not mass....not momentum, unless it was momentum lost due to poor flight, bad release, et al.
I listened to the same argument in the 1960's from guys who swore in front of God that a 243 would never kill must have a 30:06 and 180 grain bullets.
So before you go telling us we are all a bunch of idiots, or heathens for not complying with the good Dr.'s results, perhaps you could open your mind and think that some of us have actually had great success over our hunting life, and will continue to do so with our pathetically, inadequate equipment. Just sayin'...maybe there is more than one answer.