I have a Holm-Made Osprey with a Bow Bolt. It is the only other bow I have with a Bow Bolt that is not a Shrew. Chad Holm makes an outstanding bow and his prices are probably too low for the quality he puts out. I think my Osprey shoots about as fast and as well as my ACS CX that costs twice as much, and that is with the $200 Bow Bolt option that adds about 40% to the cost of the Osprey. The Osprey will easily do anything any other bow out there can do at a lower cost than most. As with every bow on the market, one size does not fit all, so if you can, try before you buy. The Ospreys are definitely custom bows, and Chad can modify the basic design to fit your needs if you discuss with him on what works best for you. Chad is a sponsor here and is a heck of a good guy.
If you are willing to consider a different connection system for your two piece longbow, you might also want to look at Big Jim's bows. Jim makes a great looking bow, and the connection is simple and elegant. I have no personal knowledge of how Jim's bows shoot, but all the reports I have read are very complimentary of the feel and performance of his bows. They are certainly very attractive, and the pricing is relatively low, especially if you don't start adding lots of appearance options like I always do. Big Jim is also a sponsor here.
The Griffins are obviously excellent bows, and there is no two piece longbow any nicer (or maybe as nice) as a decked out Shrew Classic Hunter with a Bow Bolt. But you do tend to pay more and wait a lot longer for premier bows like those. You also have a year or more waiting period to save up the money to pay for them (which is not nearly as long as the two years I have been waiting for my Brackenbury to be built, or the year and a half I waited for my Blacktail Snakebit). All those big name bows are worth the wait. On the other hand, you can get outstanding bows like the Osprey without a long wait, and they will serve you well. A lot of what you pay for and wait for on the high end bows are their outstanding reputations, but those reputations are hard earned and well deserved.