It was a couple of hogs feeding on acorns 35-45 yards but not getting closer and stayed just out of range.While waiting for them I heard more noise just north.Two does headed my way and one came in head on not giving me a shot.Finally something else crashed in the palmettoes to the west and she turned quarteing to look towards the noise.Not sure if I blew it or she she moved forward but caught her behind the ribcage angeling forward to her left front.Watching her crash off and after looking all I found was stomach matter rubbed on a palmetto fan
I backed off till morning after not sleeping and headed home for my yellow lab.This was going to be a hard trail job.Another hunter and myself and my dog started working the direction she went no blood at all.My friend gave up after an hour,too many tree tops on his bad legs.I just kept walking in the general direction and watching my dog as best as I could.After another hour of really feeling dejected I saw him about 15 yards by stooping under the cover.
He seemed to be acting different so I headed to him and he had found the doe and was inspecting what he found but did not bark.
Very relieved and happy, she had been hit exactly where I thought but no exit and entrance was plugged by stomach wall not a drop of blood was coming out.Her body cavity was full and she died in a few seconds but impossible to track.
My title of Bad shot,no blood but Sonny save the day.
Lesson learned.Last year in same stand I killed a doe,put a broadheart in her heart watched her go down.Saturday different story and rethinking my broadheads to maybe two blades since I have gone down a few lbs. in wgt. and practice more in the hunting season from now on.

Sonny seems to be thinking "look what I found"

Bad stuff to try to trail with no blood.