Im wondering why I cant post a bow on the classifieds. Before it is stated yes I read the new rules and I have a rating of tradbowhunter. I dont believe ive abused the privalage of listing. I had been away from tradbow for awhile and really started buying a bunch of different bows in the last year including one from the st Judes auction, around 12 different bows to be exact and yes I have sold some. I think I found the perfect bow after recieving a RER lxr and would like to order another which helps trad archery. I would like to sell a couple to help fund this purchase and I feel I have treated previous buyers fairly as I have had no complaints and I have been treated fairly by the guys I have bought from but If I cant sell here I probably will not buy here. I wanted to contact the admin. about htis but culnt with my version of windows (vista) maybee this is a oversight or I have done somthing to prevent my use of the classifieds. Im on this sight most days when im drinking coffe and know several people from here, could someone please shed some light on my exclusion. Thanks, Don.