Teased a few of you last night, but here are the pics of Trey opening up Squirrel's generous, unbelievable present he sent him! Wow, what a quiver!
We both got to talk with Mike today. It was awesome to be able to thank him over the phone rather than through the forum. He sounds like a riot to hang out with. Who knows, perhaps some day us Wisconsinites can venture down for some hog hunting. I think Mike said he was heading out to help Ray in South Carolina?
Unfortunately Mike said it will be a few more days before his computer is back up, so he may not reply to this thread just yet.
This is the "who the heck is Squirrel Bait" photo.
This is the "Holy Cow!" photo.
I forgot to ask Mike this morn how he put the turkey tracks onto the leather - wow!
Not sure what he is doing here. I think it is his combo archery/bodybuilding pose - lol.
Thanks again Mike/Squirrel Bait - you made his day! This forum is truly great!