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Author Topic: Moose outfitter ???  (Read 522 times)

Offline Grizzzly

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Moose outfitter ???
« on: January 26, 2010, 03:01:00 AM »
I'm thinking about a 2012 moose hunt. Looking for an outfitter to get me close to an animal to use the stickbow. I'm in NJ & would rather drive than fly. I was thinking Quebec ? Would like an outfitter that feeds you, but don't mind a tent camp hunt. Obviously as affordable as possible. Any ideas ?   Thanks, John

Offline barkrider

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Re: Moose outfitter ???
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2010, 07:30:00 AM »
This is a good post can't wait to see the recommendations...
You can look at the sepaq.com for info on the numbers from last year, but I'm sure you can get a better deal from a private outfitter
Good luck   :thumbsup:
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Offline Bill Carlsen

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Re: Moose outfitter ???
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2010, 08:05:00 AM »
You should put in for the moose lotteries  in Maine, NH and Vt. A DIY hunt is not hard to do, although there are guides available to hire if you need to do that.

You could also contact Eldon Jandreau in Portage, Maine. He gets tags and books moose hunts. I don't know how far ahead he is booked but it would be worth a call...207-435-2231. My friend Todd went with him this year and had encounters with over 65 moose and took this one on the next to last day.


You can see a video of the kill on youtube. Do a search for Hunter's Point Guide Service and it's there along with several others.
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Re: Moose outfitter ???
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2010, 09:47:00 AM »
I have hunted moose twice in Canada both times in Alberta. Get ready to get your wallet out. I went with Alberta wilderness guide service. The owner and head guide is a recurve shooter. I shot my moose on the second trip at 6 paces ,  see highlights 2007 his web address is   www.ihuntalberta.com

check out his bow hunter section
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Offline hayslope

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Re: Moose outfitter ???
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2010, 12:23:00 PM »
I'm a moose lottery veteran (still haven't drawn).

In addition to the states mentioned above, don't forget to try New Brunswick.  The odds for non-residents are pretty good (as odds go).  It's a short season (I think three days), but most of the bear camps across the border from Maine will host moose hunters if you draw.  Unlike NB residents, non-residents don't have to designate their zone until they pick up their license.  This give you time to scope out the outfitters.  Each one has a zone or multiple zones that they work in.  Pricing seems to vary quite a bit.

As for the "just book the hunt" crowd, you may want to check out Caesar's Lodge in Quebec.  They have three different packages to chose from.  Quebec is similar to Ontario as far as permits go.  Most of the time there needs to be two people, with one permit between them.  Caesar's has a premium package where you get your permit combined with your guide's permit, thus, if you are hunting alone, you will have a permit to kill a moose.  As I recall, that package is under $3K.  Big thing is...you can drive there from NJ.  If you go on their web site, they provide driving time estimates, photos of the roads, etc.  You could, of course, fly if you want.  Most of their moose camps are lake-oriented, so you pretty much have a camp to yourself and your guide.  I've checked out their feedback on the net, and the feedback from the few moose hunters (they are primarily a fishing lodge) has been pretty positive.

I'm giving the lottos a couple more years.....then I'll probably break down and book that hunt.  I have a sister and brother-in-law in Wasilla, AK, but the thought of what it costs to fly to AK and ship meat back to the right coast is a bit steep.
TGMM Family of the Bow
Compton Traditional Bowhunters

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