I haven't had many days to get out after deer this January. Once last week and then again the other day. Last week I saw about 80 deer. I have never seen that many deer in one sit before, it was crazy. The real crazy part were that at least 6 were bucks and they were sparring, rubbing trees and chasing does around. There were 4 younger smaller bucks and decent 8pt and real nice 8pt. The only one that came close enough was a 12" spike. I passed hoping for a doe on the big 8pt.
well yesterday was pretty much the same. I saw about 30 deer and the same bucks. Still chasing does, sparring and rubbing. Just before the deer started moving the wind was swirling and the deer stayed out of range all afternoon. Around 4:15 6 does are 60yds away and heading down my trail. at 25yds they are facing me and catch something on the wind. They stand there sniffing for a good 5 minutes and start to leave. As they were leaving a 4pt came in behind them. He pushed them around and continued toward me. he was nervous and stood behind a tree at 15yds stomping for a few minutes. He finally commited and came by me quartering away. He was walking slowly and I dared not stop him. I drew aimed and released. I'm not sure if he stopped or I was leading him, but I hit him in front of the shoulder. As the arrow entered i got that feeling of disgust, but at the same time I saw a huge red spot appear instantly. he took off like he was shot from a cannon but his rear end looked like it was coming out from under him.
I waited until dark and went up to my buddies house. we waited a bit more and took up the trail. The blood was sparse for the first 200yds but then the deer must have slowed down and it was profuse. we had to cross a stream and as we got across and headed up the hill we saw him laying there. He was stiff as a board so I assume he made it the 600yds at a good run and then collapsed, probably dead just a few minutes after the shot. I'm not happy with the shot, but a little luck and some good bloodtrailing paid off.
The cool part was I was using one of my grandfathers old Zwickey heads.
Some pics from the stand
I tied up some branches to break up my outline and blend in with the rest of the branches