Wow!! I have been off-line too long. Kevin Dill unbelievable schafer with copperheads! I see that you have both Morrison and Schafer. From a shooting standpoint, what is your favorite? Both lookers for sure.
And Froggy, yes this is the bow that I was looking for. Thanks for posting. That bow really gave me fits when it was in the trad bow section. I don't know what was worse, not being able to obtain it or loosing the pic to drool over.
Mswickard those prairie rattlers might be something to look into for my color wood. Wander if they are as hard to come by as copperheads?
Centaur, that is sad to say that the bow is deceased. It is definately a looker.
Thanks to everyone that has taken the time to post a pic or two. Maybe this thread will stay going a while. I get down right excited every time that I get online to just see this thread. Thanks, Tom