Hey, I'm 53, a 2nd degree black belt in Jujitsu,and last night taught the first defensive tactics class of my 25th year as an instructor.
A good number of my baby cops were'nt even born when I started in LE. I cant even guess how many officers I've certified or how many classes I've taught over the years. When I was promoted to Deputy Chief last year and came off the road, we sat down and tried to figure out how many physical arrests I've made. Department consensus was in the neighborhood of 600...
I was so sore after class that I couldn't sleep laying down last night. Slept sitting up like a parakeet on the couch. When I got up both knees were swollen to the point I couldn't see my knee caps. It was an Aleve day at the LEC today. And there is no way in hell I would ever let my baby cops so much as see me wince...
So what did I do when I got home tonight? Fed the barn critters & my labs, then drug my sore behind downstairs and shot a couple dozen arrows with my Volcano... :D