. Received this in the mail yesterday. Strung her up, set nock, put a couple string leeches on the string, and well I guess the pictures tell the story.I asked Vince to build this one for me. He never did Polish Ebony OR Black Glass and it has a fairly new to Vince limb core. I'll have to take some more pictures. The arrows are Beman 500's cut to 28"s with 210 gn and 300 gn heads.. There's also 3- 50 year growth nock tapered POC's I received from Suzanne St. Charles as a test kit. They are 53#,57# and 63# with 125 gn heads. Seems like this bow liked them all. She's 64"s and 50#'s @ my 27" draw. Fast, quiet, no handshock and very forgiving. The grip came out perfect for me. The man sure knows how to build longbows.