Thanks for postin up my pics jim..I'm still trying to get settled back here at the house.
I loosed an arrow also at a javie and a rabbit, but both proved too quick for me!
Although I left a bit early to try to beat the ice, I had a GREAT time! Met some great people, ate some spectacular viddles, and saw territory that I'd never stepped foot in before. I saw critters and plants that I'd only seen on Wild America and in books.
I loved every minute of this trip (except for the temperature dipped...) and I plan on coming back in October and hunt the heat.
Doug77, hope you and your daughter got home safely. Sorry I didnt' call you back last night, had to spend time with the girlfriend...I didn't exactly tell her I was leaving on this trip.
Curtis, thanks so much for your hospitality! Looking foreward to doing it again.