Well, photobucket is having a problem, so I'll try adding the pics later tonight.
I own/have owned Bear B risers from the 80's, 90's, and 2000's, including a gorgeous Supreme Series. The only one I've kept is a 1980 greenstripe with the "S" grip that I absolutely love.
I have side-by-side pics of the Rose Oak and the '80. The big difference is the lack of the latch system on the Rose Oak. Not a big deal, and easily fixed with a latch conversion kit if I choose to (I make the conversion kit, so it's easy to get
) The Rose Oak has a little bit more material in the grip, and I'll probably modify it in the future to the "S" grip. It's a comfortable grip, but I want to make it MINE
Brandon was great while I was ordering this, even going so far as to break out the callipers and take measurements to make sure it would work for me. In the end I thought it best to do the final little adjustments myself.
I did a review of the #3 limbs a while back. These are 4# lighter than my other set and have bamboo cores. They are 56# @30" and probably around 57.5# at my 30.5" draw. Lovely limbs to shoot. Check out my
"Bear" limb review for more info.