A 56" Shrew Classic Hunter stacks at 26" and has second rate workmanship and finish? :eek: Really?
I have a 29 1/2" draw and my 54" Classic Hunters don't stack at all, much less my 56" Classic Hunters. Bob Westfall (BobW) shoots a 56" Classic Hunter and routinely writes that he has no stack at his 32"+ draw length. Here is a recent post by BobW on this same subject.
"Adding a little more information here:
I draw a 56" Classic Hunter past 32".... For the record, IT DOES NOT STACK. The weight gain is a steady 2.5#/in from 27" to 32". Even Gregg was impressed when he did it. Ron and Gregg have teamed up to build one heck of a bow!
http://tradgang.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=1;t=083001;p=1#000011 I don't know of any reputable bow other than a kid's bow that stacks at 26" (that's my daughter's draw length), and the Shrews certainly don't. I wonder if someone with a 26" draw has ever even felt stacking, which may be the reason for the statement about the Classic Hunter purportedly stacking at that draw.
The workmanship and finish of Shrew bows are first class. I have many other great bows besides my Shrews, and I know for a fact that Gregg builds outstanding bows that rank among the best. There is good reason for the "fanaticism they seem to enjoy". I have also heard a couple of people say that Morrison bows are unattractive and poorly made, and I have to laugh when I hear that too.
The bows John McCullough builds are excellent, well made bows, and Ron and Gregg would be the first to say that. Ask John what he thinks of the Shrew bows that Gregg builds, and I am sure he will say that Gregg makes a great bow too. John and Gregg are two first class bowyers.
The bashing of the Shrew bows by a single individual just goes to prove the old maxim that you can't please everyone.
Eric -- Gregg did make some new bows for Kalamazoo, just like he does every year. He is definitely busy, with more than a year's waiting list on the order book, but Ron and Gregg always try to have some bows (mostly new ones) available for people to shoot and buy when those folks take the time and effort to show up at the Shrew booth.