I have to agree with Curt on this one..
When I started trad I bought a longbow and some wood arrows the guy said I needed and that was it.
I never could get good arrow flight or consistent groups, I did get lucky and killed a deer that year but wounded two does after my first buck (which was pure luck as it was not a well placed shot). I pretty much gave up bow hunting for a couple years.
I got back into it and found this site and have learned more about tuning my setup and shooting in general than I ever knew. Now I love bow hunting more than I ever did with a wheelie bow and I was ate up with that.
I take the info that I need and apply it to my hunting situations and can shoot a golf ball or anything that size out to 30 yards (most of the time) in a hunting situation although I limit myself to 25 yards in the woods just because it seems right to me.
I still like to keep it as simple as I can without the gadgets and such, But as far as all the info I find here... All I can say is thanks for making available if I need it Gang.