Every minute spent with the kids in the woods is special. They are sponges seeking to soak up all that they see, smell, touch and learn. IN all of our adventures, whether hunting, scouting,stump shooting, or just walking around, they always smile, and never seem to tire of it.
My oldest son reached the age where Dad no longer has to directly accompany him, and he is free to direct his own hunt as he sees fit. It was a little bittersweet for me, as I came to really treasure time sitting in the blind together, or sharing a pair of treestands. YEt, I was proud to see him become self reliant, and learn from the consequences of of his decisions.
When we would return to camp, his stories of decisions made make me proud. He is no doubt in my mind a responssible, safe and ethical participant in the outdoors.
My youngest son continues his apprenticeship with me as well. but as kids do, he also looks up to his big brother as a role model. Learning for him is a mix from his brother and I, and he too has already proven to me that his ethics are right.
Every day spent in the woods and outdoors with the kids I treasure. My boys are also my best friends, truly a gift from God.