Had a great time. Trad Expo is a gathering of good people, and no shortage of good stuff to look at, play with and buy. I left work this morning at 8 am to temps hovering around "0".
Typical for expo weekend, seems every time I go its ice cold, or snowing to beat the band. Since I had a 3 hr drive, I was happy that it was cold instead of snowing.
After shootin the breeze with some friends I havent seen since summer, I headed for the booth of Prairie Traditions/Bow Hospital. There I finally met Joe in person. Great fella, thats for sure. We could have talked elk huntin all afternoon, but there was something else on my mind.
Joe(Whip) had a Panther Hunter pyramid tent he was trying to sell, and it just so happens it was the exact tent I was wanting. 12x12, tipi door, stove flap. I gladly took it off Joe's hands, and can't wait to try it out with some winter camping/rabbit hunting.
I spent a fe more hours lookin at bows,but mostly visiting with friends. Soon as I got home I set my new tent up in the yard. What a piece of cake. Thanks Whip.