For the pounds there is a rule of thumb: 5% more for every inch more in drawlenght....
So if you have a bow of 50#@28" and you draw 30", you will end up with 55lbs.
Okay, now your arrows.... speed is defined by the type of bow and the amount of grains per pound.
Suppose you were shooting 500 grains arrows.
With a 28" draw (50#) you will end up with 10GGP.
With a 30"draw (55#) you will end up with apr. 9GPP.
This is a gain of 1 GGP, which will result in a speed gain of 4 to 7 FPS (another rule of thumb), depending of the type of bow and actual drawweight.
Mostly, bows who are way above the 200 fps, are shot with a very light arrow (8GGP or even less) Shooting this way will shorten the lifetime of your bow dramatically!
With my modern modestly R/D longbow I shoot aprr. 190 fps with 9 GPP.