Well, to follow what Doug Young says about Cascade bow and modern materials. A gentleman I have known for over 20 years, back in the early '90s bought a solid phenolic riser bow with yew limbs from Steve. It had alot of vibration and we put a F.F. string on it. Made a huge difference!
Hoyt, years ago, had a video, showing in slow motion the differnce in the F.F. string and dacron at release. Big eye opener! Just like the paradox of an arrow at the shot.
I have shot F.F. strings on selfbows since 1991, the bows still shoot! Speed is not the issue, performance with the heaviest arrow is!
As for the "skinny string" folks, be careful. Like telling your teenage children, "it only takes once".
There's alot of new folks out there, and shooting form and technique, and being comfortable, and having fun is the important first step!