Highlights are listed in order:
1- Flying up instead of driving the 15hrs in the snow. John told me that if I came up and helped in his booth he would pay my way(except for the beer).
2. Meeting the Wensel boys and Mike Mitten.
3. Meeting a bunch of tradgang guys for the first time.
4. seeing my friends Bill and Tracy Dunn again. Mostly Tracy. LOL
5. Meeting and haveing breakfast with Biggie, Marty, and Joebuck. They are my kind of folks and I am thankful to have spent some time with them.
6.shooting a tall tines recurve. better get one while the gettin's good.
7. seeing Doug and hearing the story about Preston not getting up to shoot the 190" buck he had on camera.
8.Anything else I forgot.
9. and last but not least, John Dill for letting me slave away in his booth selling the best quiver , in my opinion, for trad bows. It was busy, but great to meet all the folks who stopped by. Sunday, John bought me this bow and gave it to me. He knew I'd had my eye on it all weekend. It's gonna be my all weather killin bow.thanks buddy. Don

Trad tech titan, 45 + - 4 lbs axis 500 shafts , blazer vanes. shooting abowyer brown bears they weigh around 535 gns. fly good and fast off the t-300 rest with plunger. quiver is kanti with 4 arrow hood and 6 arrow gripper. Don