Hey all, just wanted to remind you how good of a site this really is.
This is going to sound like it's off topic to start but I'll make my point eventually.
Recently I started getting back into some of my gun stuff and rifle shooting. Put a new rifle on layaway that is an oddball caliber so I started doing a bunch of net surfing and signed up for several online forums related to guns. After about two or three weeks I'm ready to walk away from nearly all of them! Talk about back biting, arguing, ranting and personal attacks!
I guess I've been coming to tradgang for so long to the exclusion of nearly all other online chat forums that I'd forgotten what they could be like. I got to thinking that all forums would be helpful, polite and courteous even during strenuous debates but I'm here to tell ya, that's not the case at all. Personal attacks abound, "How dare you" type comments are common and debate or discussion of differing opinions nearly always leads to somebody getting the short end of the deal. Heck, I even had a post pulled by the administration of one site simply because the topic had been discussed before and he didn't want to waste valuable band width... Of course I have found a lot of good information along the way but it's not unlike some of the other archery sites where you have to wade through a bunch of BS to get there.
Guys, it's sure nice to have a place where we can all get together to talk shop and play nice.
Thanks again Terry!