Show me a man shooting an honest self bow shooting wood arrows,and you've shown me a man I can respect.
Show me a man shooting a totaly modern R/D bow pretending to be a longbow,carrying wood arrows with plastic nocks,machined steel heads,die cut feathers,FF string,and then crowing about wood arrows being traditional,,,you've just shown me a complete hypocite.
I don't shoot a self bow,I do shoot a modern carbon wood recurve with FF string,elevated rest,adjustable tiller,metal riser.
A modern American style straight limbed longbow with fast flight string,,,and carbon arrows.
If I had to shoot wood arrows and then pretend I was a traditional archer just because I shot wood,I'd give up the sport,,,an that's after 43 years of being both a hunter and competitive shooter.
The double standards in this sport are the very reason that after 12000 odd years of history it still has a very small and fragmented following.
We all love wood,,,get real,,today wood has become just another lever of division used by trad pretenders.