Why is it only that on everyone of these, "whats the lightest" threads(which are nearly a daily thing now), I NEVER see anyone posting about the animals that ran off with an arrow in them, never to be found, because of insufficient penetration? I KNOW it happens, I've seen it happen, I've had it happen to myself, back when I started hunting with a 45# bow. I've spent DAYS of hunting time helping others track animals that they didn't get enough penetration on. I've found dead deer in the woods with arrows in them that didn't go in far enough. I've read articles where I knew that the writer didn't get enough penetration on the animal in question, but that was never mentioned. You hear trout fisherman bragging about how light a tippet they used to catch a trout, but bowhunting is catch and release, is it? For sure you can kill the average 100# whitetail with a very light bow, if everything is perfect, but what about when its not? Suppose that once in a lifetime 230# buck shows up, just a few yards farther than that maximum range you set for yourself and he's not broadside, in fact he's a bit past quartering away, are you going to pass up the shot? Really? Its nearly always mentioned in these threads that lighter bows are accurate and heavy bows aren't, thats just a load of huoie. I've shot bows from very light to well over 80#'s and as long as you can draw and hold them the HEAVY bows are EASIER to shoot accurately. Howard Hill credited his shooting skill to shooting heavy bows and I know quite a few others who will agree with him. Why do you think the compound guys use releases? Its nearly impossible to get a smooth release with very light poundage. This is of course all about bowhunting, a target archer only needs his arrow to stick in the target, nothing more. My father is nearly 80, just a couple years ago, he killed several deer with a 67# bow, I mentioned to him all these threads about low poundage, he said, "they're lazy". Its not my intent to offend anyone, but it is a fact that we are now the fattest and laziest people in the history of the planet and getting fatter and lazier every year. When I started out bowhunting a few decades ago, the question was ALWAYS, "how much poundage do I need to work up to" and the answer was always "you should hunt with the heaviest bow you can shoot accurately", now the question can always be paraphased as "what the least amount of effort I can put out"?